GeneWerk participating in the BASF Company Cup at the Hockenheimring
Eleven GeneWerk employees crossed the start line at the Hockenheimring.

On Wednesday, the 6th of June 2018, the 16th BASF Company Cup took place at the Hockenheimring near Heidelberg. With almost 17,000 participants from 820 companies, it is meanwhile listed among Germany’s biggest company runs.
It mainly focuses on the strengthening of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, team spirit, having fun exercising and celebrating with co-workers. Apart from walking, Nordic walking and inline skating, the main event was made up of the running cup, which stretched for 4.8 kilometres along the legendary Grand Prix circuit of the Hockenheimring.
Of course, GeneWerk GmbH insisted on participating in this event. For this reason, eleven employees crossed the start line at the Hockenheimring on the evening of the 6th of June – in spite of the blistering heat.
All GeneWerk participants reached the finish, partly in near-record time. After the run, you were able to recover from the physical effort thanks to water, free beer and shady spots.